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Da Vinci by Intuitive

The Future of Robotic Surgery, Part 2

February 6, 2024

The field of surgical robotics continues to evolve at a rapid pace.  Intuitive Surgical was the first company to market and currently dominates the field, but other large players such as Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic and Stryker are entering the space, along with a host of smaller medical device companies.  In…

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The Future of Robotic Surgery, Part 1

May 15, 2023

Following our last deep-dive into medical robots, we’re now turning to how advancements in surgical robotics are shaping the future of surgery. Though first successfully used in urology and gynecological procedures, robotic systems are penetrating a range of specialties, now most commonly used in thoracic and GI surgeries. In orthopedics,…

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Outside the O.R.: How Medical Robots are Transforming Healthcare

March 22, 2022

Medical robots are usually synonymous with surgical robots, which dominate robotics applications in healthcare. However, robot adoption is increasing in other areas of care delivery and hospital management. With people living longer and a growing shortage of healthcare workers, there is increased demand for personal robots, including ‘care-bots’, which could…

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The Robot Revolution: The Top 10 Robotics Applications, Part 2

November 3, 2020

In Part 2 of our robotics series, we examine the advancements and obstacles in the top 5 robotics application areas, including logistics, industrial, and consumer robots.

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The Robot Revolution: The Top 10 Robotics Applications

October 27, 2020

We’re kicking off our new robotics series by delving into the innovations and challenges facing the top robotics application areas, based on data from the IFR’s World Robotics Report.

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Storytelling with Design: MANTA’s Betsy Goodrich on Her Creative Process

August 26, 2020

According to MANTA co-founder Betsy Goodrich, “When clients come to MANTA, there is always a story to be uncovered.”

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Diagrams showing user research process for minimum viable product defintion

Minimum Viable is Minimum Lovable: A Guide to User Research for MVP Definition

July 23, 2020

In the past few years, more and more clients have come to us seeking assistance in defining their minimum viable product (MVP). Popularized by Eric Ries in The Lean Startup, an MVP is a newly developed product that can validate the most learning from customers in the least amount of time.…

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6 Best Practices for Managing Remote Product Development

June 15, 2020

COVID-19 has changed our world. With numerous shelter-in-place orders, non-essential employees have transitioned to working from home. Businesses have been forced to accelerate the pivot toward remote working and adopt innovative methods for productivity. It takes 66 days on average for a new behavior to become automatic. By now, many…

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wearable sensor with phone

How To Develop Successful Wearable Devices: Challenges and Considerations

April 17, 2020

From 2014 to 2018, the use of wearable devices increased from 9% to 33%, according to a study by Accenture. Forbes predicts that wearable devices will be a $27 billion industry by 2022. But many companies looking to enter this market are unsure of how to develop wearables successfully. Equipped…

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Strong Arm Vector Graphic

MANTA’s Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

March 26, 2020

During this time of uncertainty as a result of the coronavirus response, MANTA remains hard at work providing exceptional product development. Our top priority is to ensure seamless service and collaboration while respecting the safety and well-being of our team and community. MANTA will continue to adhere to CDC recommendations…

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