Cor™ by Peerbridge
Research, Usability, Industrial Design, GUI Design, Engineering Development, Design Assurance
The Peerbridge Cor™ Wearable ECG sensor is a small, single-use, wearable ECG monitor that provides a continuous, multi-channel recording in addition to patient-activated event data transmission for up to 7 days. The Peerbridge Cor™ Wearable ECG sensors record 2-channel, 3-lead ECG data continuously, with the goal of improving patient compliance via its minimal size and simplicity of operation.
Peerbridge enlisted us to develop a powerful, wearable ECG sensor that could help both physicians and patients. Deep cardiac issues are often hard to diagnose because they can happen infrequently. Adding to this difficulty is the complication that most wearable cardiac monitors don’t send data to physicians in real-time, but rather the patient wears the device for a time and mails it in for analysis, never knowing if the issue was captured or not.
We were responsible for the industrial design of the Cor™ Sensor, and was heavily involved in its usability testing, including developing manufacturing test equipment. We also developed the associated electrode patch, including industrial design, usability engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing transfer, along with supporting the development of the Smart-Phone App Graphical User Interface.

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